Brainbelt member John Paul Murray's painting of Katie Taylor in action, was presented at the launch of An Post's commemorative Olympic Games stamps! Its on Broadsheet 'n all!
John Paul graduated with an MA in Children’s Books Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art
Brainbelt member Jamie Murphy will be giving a talk about his book Albert, Ernest & the Titanic at the National Print Museum tomorrow the 13th of September at 6.30 pm. The Print Museum is located in Beggars Bush on the Haddington Road, Dublin 4.
Brainbelt member Denise Nestor's exhibition at The Bernard Shaw, Portobello, is launching tonight, Friday the 10th of August, at 7pm, and running for the month.
Brainbelt's first ever meet up & drinks (apart from the group shows) is happening next Wednesday 8th of August in The Bank, on College Green at 7:30pm. So if you have any ideas for collaborations, publications, organising shows, new members, sketchbooks... bring them! Check out the Facebook event link!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Hi folks, I have been meaning to introduce myself for ages. I'm a friend of Denise Nestor and I hope to get involved in future projects. At the moment what I'm working on is getting a project published here's a link where you can learn about it. We hope to do more books/zines in the future and would love to get some brainbelters involved. You can find me here